About Dustin Ruge

Speaker | Author | Business Coach

Dustin W Ruge is known as one of the most respected and trusted sales, marketing, and business growth coaches in the nation. In addition to his numerous books and publications, Dustin frequently appears and is referenced in major news and trade publications, business shows, and trains and keynotes at conferences across the nation. Dustin’s career includes over 27 years’ experience ranging from technology startups to Fortune 500 companies where he has received numerous awards and recognition for his work.

Dustin graduated from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln and currently lives in Scottsdale Arizona. 

My Mission & Purpose Statement

To share valuable knowledge, information, and advice through my work, speaking, and publications in order to help others live better, happier, and more successful lives.”

Dustin W. Ruge

Dustin’s Work

Keynote Speaking 

Dustin Ruge is frequently asked to keynote at sales, marketing, and business conferences across the nation.

Bestselling Author

Dustin has authored over 5 books on topics. His bestselling books can be ordered directly by searching for “dustin ruge” in Amazon.com. 

Media Interviews

Dustin frequently appears on media interviews and panels. Dustin also host’s the “Business Leaders” program on STNTV

TV Appearances

Dustin frequently called on to appear on video and TV shows to discuss topics around sales, digital marketing, business innovation, cutting-edge technologies, and much more. 

Celebrity Interviews

Dustin’ s work has been endorsed / featured by notable industry leaders including: Grant Cardone, Sam Donaldson, Brian Tracy, Gerhard Gschwandtner, Joe Girard, and many others. 

Continuing Education

For over a decade, Dustin has provided continuing education classes to working professionals on topics including: digital marketing, brand management, ethics, sales excellence, and much more. 

Coaching & Mentoring

Dustin is frequently requested to provide business coaching and mentoring services to help business leaders grow their sales, evaluate and promote business growth strategies, and to become digital marketing and advertising leaders in their industries.